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Cheryl & Brian — Minted




Cheryl and Brian

Please join us for our wedding celebration on

Our Story

They say you should marry your best friend, we are fortunate to be able to do just that.

We met in early 2014 and flirted with each other for nearly two years before we became an "official couple”.

We discovered despite having completely opposite personality types that we are insanely similar; we both love spicy foods (our fridge is mostly condiments including at least 10 different hot sauces), need to see a body of water every day (the ocean, a mountain lake, a river, it doesn’t matter, even the bath tub can work), love trail running and obstacle races, cherish time with family and friends, and dream of finding someone who can accept the other, flaws and all to grow old with.

Through the years, we were colleagues, became friends...then close friends…then best friends.

Once the time was right for both of us, we started dating and we have been inseparable since! After many late nights binging on Game of Thrones, eating Phil’s BBQ and drinking way too much great wine, that friendship grew into a deep mutual love and respect.

It is amazing how all of these ordinary days turned into our extraordinary beginning.

And we both love quotes and often share our favorites with one another;

"Marry your best friend. I do not say that lightly. Really, truly, find the strongest, happiest, friendship in the person you fall in love with. Someone who speaks highly of you. Someone you can laugh with. The kind of laugh that makes your belly ache and your nose snort. The embarrassing, earnest, healing kind of laughs. Wit is important. Life is too short not to love someone who lets you be a fool with them. Make sure they are someone who lets you cry, too. Despair will come. Find someone that you want to be there with you through those times. Most importantly, marry the one that makes passion, love, and madness combine and course through you. A love that will never dilute, even when the waters are deep and dark." ~author unknown